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Kids Headphones - The Reason to Buy Them, and Features to Look For!

Kids Headphones - The Reason to Buy Them, and Features to Look For!

While hearing loss prevention is often addressed for adults, there is a forgotten minority that is just as much at risk - children. This article looks at the issue of hearing loss in children, and how to prevent it, particularly when using modern audio devices.
Causes of Hearing Damage in Children
It is a sad fact that kids today are being exposed to noise more frequently than kids from any other generation. Not only are families more likely to attend large, noisy events together, now headphones from mp3 players, iPad's, dvd players and video games are being used CONSTANTLY. Often, adults think to protect their own hearing by monitoring volume levels or exposure time, without giving thought to the fact that their child's hearing is even more sensitive.
It's not uncommon to sit next to someone on public transport or in a quiet area and actually hear what they're listening to - even though they are using headphones! Volume levels like this are a huge cause of noise induced hearing loss (NIHL).
Prevention of Hearing Damage in Children
While the simplest solution would be to make ensure that kids don't use headphones on mp3 players or any other devices, this is much easier said than done, and pretty unreasonable also. There is a great deal of benefit for kids using headphones, such as not disturbing people around them, and the ability for them to focus more closely on what they are listening to, without being distracted by ambient noise. For this reason, it is essential to have items on hand that protect children's hearing.
While it is possible to check the volume levels of headphones when children are using them, they can simply turn up the volume when you're not looking or not around. For this, kids headphones with a built in volume limiting feature are a must have.
Recent innovations in kids headphones mean that now, no matter how loud a volume knob or device is turned up, the volume won't go past a certain level. The maximum recommended level is 85dB, if prolonged listening (i.e. more than 30 mins) is taking place.
Some of the kids headphones designs available today don't have any volume limiting function at all, meaning that hearing damage can easily occur. When looking for children's headphones, it is vital that a volume limiting feature is in place.
In addition to this, it's important to purchase kids headphones that are STRONG. We all know how rough children can be with things. There are some very cheap kids headphones available today, with a volume limiter, however the quality of the product is not good, and these will often break within 6 months. Be sure to purchase headphones that not only protect hearing, but are tough enough to last a long time also!
If you, or someone you know, has hearing damage that has been noise induced, you'll appreciate just how important it is that children's hearing be protected when using personal audio devices.
To find kids headphones that are volume limited, but also built to last, head to:

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