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How to Create a Home Office in Your Bedroom

How to Create a Home Office in Your Bedroom


You spend several hours a day cooped up in your room studying. You're either sitting at your desk or sprawled out on your bed, surrounded by books and papers. This approach may work for you, but what if there was a better way? With just a few quick steps, you can create your own office right in your room.

Step 1:
Find a spot in your room for your desk that provides plenty of natural light and room for extra storage space. A corner wall near the window is your best option. Place your desk against the wall, leaving room to move around it.

Step 2:
Place bookshelves or other storage units next to your desk for books and supplies. Make sure they're in reaching room from your chair. Organize your books on the shelves in an orderly fashion. Keep the book titles facing forward so you don't have to go digging around for the one you want. Stack supplies on extra shelves, again in an orderly fashion. You should be able to easily reach for anything you need while sitting at your desk.

Step 3:
Set your computer, lamp, desk organizer, and file trays on top of your desk. Be sure everything is in a position you can reach easily, while leaving enough space on your desk for your study materials. If you have an empty wall next to you, set up a side table for extra space.

Step 4:
Hang a bulletin board on the wall above or next to your desk. Use this for your calendar, school notes, pictures, and other memorabilia to keep you motivated during your study sessions.

Step 5:
Organize your important papers in a file drawer or stackable file trays. Use separate file folders for each class and organization you participate in, research materials, and contacts.

Step 6:
Decorate your study space to make it more fun. If you have accessories in your favorite colors, fun photo frames with pictures of you and your friends and family, and knickknacks that you love surrounding you, you will feel more relaxed while sitting and studying.

Step 7:
Make sure you have a comfortable chair. Set the height where you need it to be so your feet are flat on the floor and you can see the top of your desk, as well as your monitor. Talk to your parents about replacing your chair if it doesn't fit or is uncomfortable.
Follow these seven steps to set up your home office in your bedroom. It will give you a steady place to do your homework and write your papers. Once you get used to using it on a regular basis, your brain will know it's time to study whenever you sit down.

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