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What's New In Learning How To Learn?

What's New In Learning How To Learn?


Did the school system teach you the most effective way to study when you were in school? How much of what you learned have you retained? Were you one of those students that left everything until the last day your paper is due or did you study days ahead. Did you excel at cramming for exams or finishing projects? Did you survive on caffeine? Does any of this sound familiar?

Are you now older and have kids of your own? Are you concerned that your kids have too much homework? Are they drowning in paperwork and the pressure to do well in school? Are they constantly studying in the hopes of getting high marks? How valuable would it be to them to learn the most effective way to study? In this case more is not necessarily better.

Have you ever heard of Google it and you will be pleasantly surprised at the courses you can take for free. Here are some notes I took from the course Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects.

Underlining words and highlighting is not effective. If you think you'll remember information simply by doing this you are incorrect.
• What is so much more effective is recounting in 30 seconds the highlights of what you have learned. This exercise is effective in helping you remember information much more than underlining and highlighting words.
• Rewriting the key points also is effective.

• Don't get hung up on the end result of what you are trying to learn but more the process of learning.
• If you tend to procrastinate this may be effective in helping you get back on track. This is called the Pomodero Technique. Commit to studying for 25 minutes. Then reward yourself in some small way. The reward helps rewire your brain into thinking that studying this particular subject is no longer painful.

• Retaining the information needs a focused mind and diffuse thinking. This means your brain needs time to assimilate what you have studied. So, after focusing on studying make sure you take breaks. Go for a walk, swim, or jog. This goes a long way to helping you remember what you have learned.
• Get enough sleep before the exam! How many of us have stayed up studying all night and gone to an exam with little or no sleep?
The instructors are excellent and passionate about what they are teaching. The book that the instructors recommend is A Mind for Numbers. How to Excel at Math and Science by Barbara Oakley, Ph.D. Imagine if your kids never, ever have a problem with math or science from now on! How exciting is that!
Kathleen Boucher, CEO of Great Kids and Me,, Wouldn't it be great if kids are taught the most effective way to study with time left over to relax?! Isn't it your responsibility that when you find something that works you are supposed to share it? At all kids are great kids. Imagine teaching kids that there is nothing they cannot learn if given the study skills to do so. Discover eBooks on the link above that help kids be the best of who they are.
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