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The Benefits of the Cardboard Playhouse

The Benefits of the Cardboard Playhouse

The common trend these days seems to be spending ever greater amounts of money on children no matter what their age. It often turns into a competition between parents especially when you can then brag about it on Facebook or Twitter. It is a real shame as one of the best toys out there is actually sparingly cheap and the response it gets from children is amazing. I am of course talking about the cardboard house.
This can best be described as an indoor version of the wooden playhouse but made of cardboard. It is a toy that comes with a number of benefits the main ones of which are below.
They are Cheap
For parents the first question is often one of price. How much does it cost? While not everything should be judged by the price when you find something as good as this for a little over £20 then you have to take notice. When you consider the fun your child will get from other toys ten times the price it has to go down as the best toy with value for money in mind.
They are Easy to Set Up
Unlike computer games or a Lego Tower Bridge these carefully designed pieces of card are easy to set up. Light and easy to deliver they can be folded up just as easily after use to save space. No need to look like a fool trying to put one of these together.
They are Great for Imaginations
I grew up on Lego so I know just how good an imagination can be. It is vital for a child to develop there for so many reasons and a card playhouse is perfect for doing that. You can even get a castle design but that takes a little away for the child. It could be a spaceship, a secret hideout or a ship at sea. As a child we often saw the sofa as the boat and the floor as the sea. Sounds crazy but to a child with an imagination nothing is crazy.
They Keep Children Active
As well as developing an imagination your child will go about his business unaware that he is actually getting a good workout. Whether he is ducking behind castle walls or crawling through a tunnel into the secret den he will be moving in all sorts of different ways. While activity isn't the key to obesity (Eating real food is) it never hurts to maintain an active lifestyle especially a they grow.
You Can Decorate Them Yourself
There aren't many toys that you can decorate yourself but the cardboard box house is one of them. They come in plain card with many being plain white leaving a very tempting target for your child's paints and felt tips. This can not only give you a separate activity to do before you even lay the house out but can help to develop their creativity as well as the imagination mentioned above. All are fantastic for a child's development.
They are Not Weather Dependent
Finally, cardboard houses for kids are not dependent on the weather being good like trampolines or remote controlled cars might be. They can sit nicely in your living room and can easily be packed away at the end of the day allowing you to actually see the television. Unlike the wooden cousins the cardboard house will never get wet.
So as you can see there are a number of reason to buy a cardboard playhouse which on their own would make a purchase tempting. Together it is almost wrong not to.
You can find out a lot more about the different types of cardboard playhouses for sale from our website
