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Kids and Teens ( Top 10 Tips for Christian Teen Parenting )

Kids and Teens ( Top 10 Tips for Christian Teen Parenting ) 

How can I help my Kids now they're getting a little older?
1. "Spend More Time With Them."
Lets debunk the myth of quality verses quantity time. This is rubbish. All kids need attention and a lot of it. If you don't offer it to them they will demand it in possibly unexpected and unwanted ways!
"If you're a parent of teens or even pre-teens, set aside at least fifteen minutes three days a week to spend with them. You might just find you enjoy it and so do they and you could add more time later. Just fifteen minutes could change a relationship."
2. "Don't Buy Your Kids So Much Junk."
Many children in the first world today get everything they ever want. There seem to be few limits to the amount of gadgets and gear that the average teenager is given.
"My parents seem to think that buying me things will get me off the hook from spending time with me or doing things that I want to do. I wish they knew how little those things mean to me. I want them, not things."
3. "Keep Sharing the Scriptures with your kids."
Don't fall into the trap of leaving this to the youth workers of staff in Church. Whilst there's a time to let someone else get involved and ask hard questions it's your job to set the example and study the scriptures with them. Det 6:7-9 makes this clear.
"I don't know why most parents say studying the Bible is so important when they never study it with us. I am going to study with my teen."
4. "Don't let them watch rubbish on TV."
You would have heard over and over growing up, "You are what you eat!". Just as our physical health is determined by what goes into our bodies, our spiritual health is determined by what goes into our minds.
"I am not going to be afraid to tell my kids what they can and cannot watch on TV. There are some things I don't watch because of personal convictions, but my olds have no idea what I watch."
5. "Please Listen to their Music."
Like movies, music has ratings as well according to the level of explicitly. Create your own rating system for your household and listen to your teen's music before giving permission for him/her to listen.
A teen writes, "I know the difference between good music and bad music. I am not going to allow my children to listen to anything that will take them away from Jesus."
6. "Teach Your Children About Finances."
They're just not going to learn about this at school, and in reality they're going to imitate you. Do you give sacrificially? Are you a good steward?
"The reason that I don't know how to handle money now is because my parents never talked to me about money. I'll teach my kids to control their money, and not let it control them. I'm also going to teach them to give God the first and best."
7. "Help Them With Their Homework."
Help and doing are vastly different terms. Provide as much aid as needed for your child to find the solution on his or her own. Guard against impatience and the desire to do the work yourself so it will be perfect.
"My parents help me with my homework and it has helped our relationship as well. When they have the time to help with simple school work it makes me feel like they have the time for my real life problems as well."
8. "Show Real spirituality."
As parents we can pray, read the Bible, and attend worship services, but to our teens that means little if prayer, devotional periods, and worship have little impact on the day to day.
"I want my children to be able to look at my life and know whether I am spiritual or not. I do not want to have to tell them. It's one of those things that is easy to say, but hard to live."
9. "Use Balanced Discipline."
What your teen wants is fair and balanced discipline. Don't just react emotionally to what is happening. What is balanced? They expect fair discipline that is fair according to the offense.
"I want to be firm but loving. I want my children to know that I will not punish one way this time and another way the next."
10. "Love Your Children."
Love, as Paul wrote in I Corinthians, is the most excellent way. It can cover a multitude of sins, mend the broken heart, and bring the sun out on a rainy day.
"I will love my kids with all my heart, soul and strength. No matter what kinds of problems they have I want them to know that I will always love them."
Do your best to measure yourself against these basic tips for teen parenting. Make up your own for your own family.
I'd love to know what you do at home to help your teen to grow.
Until next time,
Dwight Veenman
Dwight Veenman is a committed Christian and father of 3 school aged children. He regularly teaches kids ranging from pre-school to teens. If you're looking for an easier solution to preparing Sunday School Lessons or Youth Group Activities then get a FREE Lesson to try right now at:
