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Winning Takes Away A Lot Of The Pain!

Winning Takes Away A Lot Of The Pain!


I remember a few years ago when I was filling up my McDonald's soda cup and I was fortunate enough to meet the owner. I asked this gentleman what it was like back during the early days of his McDonald's ownership. He said if someone had told him what owning a McDonald's was going to be like he would have turned, ran away, and never looked back.

I was surprised by this shaky answer from such a sturdy man so I pried a little more. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He smiled and told me that it was way more difficult and painful than anything that he had ever done before.

"Well, how about now?" I asked, still a little confused.
He smiled a huge smile and pointed toward a red convertible Chevy Corvette out in the parking lot.
Wow! I thought. If his early days as a McDonald's owner had been painful, it sure didn't appear that way now. This older gentleman looked like he was having fun at work. Life and his career were obviously good!

As I drove my red Chevy Cavalier hardtop home that day I couldn't help but wonder if this life lesson could also apply to much younger and inexperienced people like me and my friends.
I was a wrestling coach so I naturally wondered if someone had told me what being a wrestler would be like, would I have turned, ran away, and not looked back. My answer was YES. Were the early years of wrestling way more difficult and painful than anything else I had done before? Again my answer was YES! But, amazingly, now, with all that hard work behind me, wrestling is fun and rewarding.

So even though the McDonald's owner and I were separated by a generation, and he was in a completely different business then I was, it looked like this success principle of winning taking away a lot of the pain surely does apply across the board. And that is a good thing!

Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, nothing worthwhile will be easy or handed to you. We all have to work for it and deal with uncertainty, and sometimes that's painful. But don't sweat it because winning takes away a lot of the pain. And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-Winning Author, Speaker and Educator Dan Blanchard wants you to keep trying to win, even when it's painful.

 The success you will eventually have will erase a lot of the pain. For more great leadership tips please visit Dan's website: Thanks.
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