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Appeasement Doesn't Always Work

Appeasement Doesn't Always Work

I know that I have fell victim more times than I care to remember in the old game of "Going-Along" to "Get-Along." When I look back at these moments in my life I feel terrible about them and wonder why I didn't have the courage to stand up to the quasi-bully, or maybe just the bad leader. Why couldn't I have just stood up for the poor soul being discounted and taken advantage of by the person in power at the moment? Why wasn't I more often the voice for those who couldn't speak for themselves?

I mean, come on... During today's times, what do we really have to fear? In the old days, they had things to fear. There was a lot of real danger out there. But today? Come on... What happened to all of our backbones? We all know that the people we are "Going-Along-With" today are in no way as frightening as Hitler, or Stalin, or Tojo (The three main dictators in WWII) were to their people.

That generation from WWII had something to fear. That generation stood up and fought! That is one of the reasons why that generation is called the greatest generation,
Us... our generation... well... I shudder when I think that if we can't seem to get the little acts of courage right in our much easier modern lives, then how are we going to have the undaunted courage necessary to stop the next person who surfaces that wants to push humanity around? What will we do about the next dictator that surfaces?

Our collective courage all starts with just little acts of courage!
Think about this: whom are we trying to foolishly and unsuccessfully appease today? To put it another way: whom in our lives are we not standing up for? Did we overhear someone say bad things about one of our friends, and then failed to do anything about it? Did we look across a crowded room and see someone who is a bit shy or socially awkward and then not walk over there and keep them company? Were we afraid someone would see us and say something about us not being cool anymore? Hmm... appeasement, huh... still think it's a good idea?

Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember that Hitler taught us that appeasement doesn't always work. Sometimes we have to stand up for what's right and say, "No!" even when it's not the easy thing to do. And once again, thanks for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Educator, and Life-Coach Dan Blanchard wants you to stop appeasing people that don't deserved to be appeased.

 Stand up for what's right! For more great leadership tips please visit Dan's website at: Thanks.
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