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Teach to Learn

Teach to Learn


I have found over the years to get really good at something you have to teach it. And if that's not true, then I don't know what is... Many years ago I was lucky enough to accidentally stumble upon this truth and secret of success and leadership when I became a high school wrestling coach.

I was a great wrestler, but coaching was new territory for me. As a new coach I was a bit dumbfounded sometimes about why my wrestlers couldn't just go out there and win like I used to.

I eventually realized that a lot of moves that I could successfully accomplish by just feeling when it was right to hit it, were extremely difficult to teach to my young wrestlers because it's hard to explain hitting moves based on 'feeling' rather than something more concrete.

But, you want to know something? These difficulties didn't stop me from trying to better my wrestlers' skills and knowledge through trying to get them the message anyway I could. And the more and more I tried to teach them to wrestle correctly, the more and more I found that they were learning. Yeah... In addition, a hidden benefit that I wasn't aware of at the time was that I too was learning... "Wow... " I thought.
This was a tremendous discovery for me. I could actually learn more about wrestling by teaching others about wrestling! This was a win-win for both my wrestlers and myself. Then it dawned on me that if this works in wrestling then maybe it would work in other arenas of life too...

Guess what? It has worked! Since those days of coaching wrestling I have also become a schoolteacher. And over the years I have learned more than I could ever have dreamed of on this path of teaching to learn.
So, in a nutshell, we're basically helping ourselves every time we help others... We learn by teaching... 

Hmm... I bet you we could take this to the next level and get more out of life by giving more to life!
Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way the way to a better world for all of us. 

Remember, you learn best by teaching others what you already know, even if you can't fully express it in words yet... Smile big now because you taught it, and they caught it! And once again, thanks for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-winning author, speaker, educator; parenting expert and certified life-coach Dan Blanchard would like you to try to teach others what you already know. It's a win-win situation.

 For more great leadership tips please visit Dan's website at: Thanks!
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