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Don't Be Distracted by Tabloid-Like Headlines

Don't Be Distracted by Tabloid-Like Headlines!kids and teens

The shrieking command my attention back to my wife. She was screaming at me to "Turn that trash off!" Abruptly she reminded both me and her own mother where we were, and what we were supposed to be doing. We were inside of a hospital delivery room and we were supposed to be paying attention to her, not the Jerry Springer Show!

What was I thinking! I was about to have my first child and I got distracted. Furthermore, my mother-in-law was about to have her first grandchild and she too got distracted by a television in the background that had the Jerry Springer show on and some midget that looked like Mr. T. who was pimping his pregnant girlfriend. Like I said, what was I thinking!

This leads me to wonder how many others have been distracted from more important things by cheap trashy media and tabloid-like headlines like, "So-and-so cheated on so-and-so." Or, "So-and-so looks like she has put on a few pounds"? And what about those episodes of dumb criminals? We can't resist wasting our time watching those, huh?

Come on... Admit it... None of us have been able to put up a shield that has been able to completely fend off this sort of tabloid trash attack on the more important things in our lives; not even you, right?

So here is the big question. Are you wasting too much time on trashy media and trashy tabloid-like headlines while you should be investing that precious time in your own self-improvement?

Have trashy headlines kept you too busy to exercise today? Did it keep you up half of the night watching television or playing on your computer? Did it keep you from reading a book today? How about having a real live human conversation instead of just quickly texting someone? Did trashy headlines keep you from doing the little "extra" today that champions do?

Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, there is only 24-hours in a day, and only 168-hours in a week. It's one of the only things that all of us humans share that is equal. Your time is a precious resource so use it wisely. Be cognizant of not letting tabloid-like headlines distract you from more important things in life, like having a baby. And finally, thanks again in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Educator Daniel Blanchard wants you to spend your precious time wisely. Don't get caught up in trashy media when you could be working on something else that is really special. For more great teen leadership tips check out Dan's website, blog/vlog at: kids and teens blogs
