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Improving the Lives of Others Improves Our Life!

Improving the Lives of Others Improves Our Life!

My Granddaddy once told me that improving the lives of others will improve my own life. "It's one of those universal laws just like gravity," he said.
Well, over the years I've learned that Granddaddy was right again. These universal laws, or invisible forces that Granddaddy talked about do exist whether we believe in them or not!
For example, go ahead and roll a pencil off the end of your desk. What happens? Gravity! It falls to the ground every single time, doesn't it? You can test this law all you want, the pencil is still going to fall. It's just one of those universal laws.
Now with that lesson in mind, let's look at the other universal law. Improving the lives of others improves our life. What we put out there, good or bad, comes back. Come on... I know you have all heard this old adage before.
I want you to try an experiment to prove this universal law. Smile at the next 10 people you see. Do you feel that positive energy? Now, next, be careful here, but frown at the next ten people you see and let's see what happens... Oh... you're not feeling so good now, huh?
Well, I told you. What we put out there comes back, and it can either improve the quality of our lives, or wreak havoc on the quality of our lives. Now imagine exponentially upping the reward we'd get back by going way beyond just smiling at people! How? By now helping people and enjoying it with an attitude of gratitude! Imagine how awesome our lives would be if we would just feel grateful to help others improve their own lives! It's a win-win-win situation. The other person receiving help would feel good. We would feel good during the act of kindness. And afterward, we would enjoy the reward of making this world a better place.
Come on... What do you have to lose? Don't be scared. Just try it! You know you're curious and want to find out where this path of success may lead...
Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember that improving the lives of others with an attitude of gratitude also greatly improves our own life. And once again, thanks for all that you do, and all that you will do...
