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Why Do Kids Need Playground Equipment In School?

Why Do Kids Need Playground Equipment In School? kids and teens

It has long been documented that children require the chance of proper free-play and shouldn't spend hours upon hours in front of the television and play an endless stream of video games. Look anywhere on the internet and you're bound to find a plethora of articles and blog posts for parents telling them to limit "screen time" for their children and the various disadvantages that go with it. Today, is no different, but yet, is different. Unlike the existing content on the internet, I've decided to limit and restrict the post on specifics - such as how you can help your children at being more active at school.
I'm sure many parents would join me in saying that their children aren't the most athletic and would rather join the chess club, be focused in academics or be more inclined towards dramatics and art: but don't worry, there's nothing wrong with that at all. You've given your child the right to choose their interests and that's what's best for them. But it's hard to ignore the fact that being too indulgent in these activities can make them seriously prone to becoming unfit or developing an unhealthy lifestyle. It's obvious, if they are spending the entire 7-10 hours at school studying, and staying after-school to work on their extra-curricular activities, they just can't fit in the physical side of the conditioning in.
There's little to worry, however. With children schedules becoming busier by the day, we're glad that there's still one form of physical activity left that is both fun and effective. We're talking about playground equipment at schools here. Although the claim that installing a few play-structures can help children get their fitness back on track may seem a bit preposterous but if you put a little thought to it, it really isn't.
Play structures these days are anything but simple. With ever-increasing childhood obesity rates and the influx of other health problems in children, school playground equipment manufacturers are wary of the fact that the need for play-structures that are both fun, unique and promote a healthier lifestyle has never been greater. This is exactly why if you look at more recent playgrounds and other marketplaces - online and physical - you're bound to find play-structures that promote active play in children.
Active play basically targets a child's still-developing cognitive and sensory brain centers through a tricky and complex course from which children navigate. They utilize climbing ropes and ladders with multiple obstacles that are designed to have a child alert and attentive in order to navigate through them properly. Play-structures also help build key core strength and stamina in children which are vital for their proper growth as healthy individuals. All of this, while maintaining the whole exercise to be fun throughout.
I believe such playground equipment are absolutely necessary in schools today and is perhaps one of the best ways (out of a handful to begin with) to help you children concentrate on their fitness without making it seem like a burden.
An avid researcher and keen blogger and writer, Jason Walter spends most of his time on his laptop and conjuring up ways parents can help their children. Jason believes that children shape a society and are its future and draws inspiration for his work from is two sons. You can read more of his writings on school playground equipment at kids and teens blogs
