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Is Vaccination A Good Idea?

Is Vaccination A Good Idea?


Every parent in the world wants to do the best for their children; their prime focus is to keep their children safe from any kind of harm. But it's sad that many parents are not aware of the fact that the best way of protecting their kids is by getting them vaccinated.

A Brief History Of Vaccinations

Many parents are confused with the idea of getting their child vaccinated or not, so here is a brief explanation about when vaccinations were created and what purpose do they serve.

There is no proper evidence as to who invented vaccination, it could be the Persians, Chinese or Indians. But the first vaccine was created by Edward Jenner for the disease smallpox. Since then medical science kept on evolving and medical researchers progressed into creating vaccinations for many diseases like rabies, tetanus, polio, cholera, tuberculosis and typhoid etc.

The reason for creating vaccines was to give people immunity against life threatening diseases. The vaccination is injected into the bloodstream of a person's body; sometimes vaccination is given at an early age, while in some cases, it's supposed to be repeated after a few month intervals.

Here we have provided you with the top five reasons why you should get your child vaccinated, because not getting your child vaccinated is like being his biggest enemy.

1. Vaccines keep you safe from diseases which haven't completely finished - There are certain diseases and viruses that still exist and can cause sickness and death, and can be transferred to those people who are not protected by vaccines. In our present time, where travelling across the globe is just a matter of a few hours, it's not so difficult to see that how easily these viruses can spread all around the world.

2. Vaccines keep you safe and healthy - Center of Disease and Control have recommended that people should get vaccinated from the time of birth against diseases like influenza, human papillomavirus, polio, hepatitis A and B for a lifetime protection. But still, there are many people who aren't vaccinated, which ultimately leave them vulnerable to these viruses, which can cause lifetime sickness and in some cases death.

3. Similar to exercise and diet, vaccination is also important - Eating, exercising and getting a routine medical checkup done just to check for health conditions like breast cancer or colon problem, vaccines also play a very significant role in one's health. Vaccines are really important for our health as they protect us from different life-threatening diseases.

4. Vaccination makes a huge difference - Over the past few years medical surveys have shown that more than 50,000 adults die every year in the US because of vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccinations can make a vast difference in life and death, so it's really important that you protect your child and get him vaccinated.

5. Vaccines are beneficial for your body - Vaccines are created to prevent the disease, which they are made for curing. Many parents have this confusion in their mind that vaccines are the source of catching disease; well this is completely untrue, vaccines contain either the "dead" virus or a much weakened form of the virus so that you cannot catch that disease and stay safe from it.

So to wrap the whole debate of whether to vaccinate or not ends here, you have good reasons above for getting your child vaccinated. So stay safe and healthy!

Anum Sharf is a professional freelance writer and with more than three years of experience in writing field she loves to cover different aspects of life.
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