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Self Esteem and Bullying

Self Esteem and Bullying


Bullying has become such a big issue over the last few years, but it has been a psychologically damaging issue that has been around for many, many decades. Your parents were probably bullied or knew someone who was. Their parents were bullied or knew someone who was, and their parents were bullied or knew someone who was. Not only that but many of the grown-ups you are surrounded by could have been the bullies themselves. Most of the time bullying is done intentionally but there may be very few instances that bullying could occur accidentally. Take for instance the most recent episode that happen at the elementary where I work at. One of my kindergarteners overheard two fifth graders calling each other names (awkward and silly) and laughing about it. So he decided to begin chanting the word "awkward" and pointing to one of the girls'. One kindergartener turned to two then three and before we knew it there was a circle of about ten kindergarteners chanting. That's when we noticed what was going on but by that time we were too late. We got the little ones to be quiet and we started asking questions. It turns out that these little kids over-heard fifth graders calling each other names. The girls were playing, being silly with each other and between them the name calling was okay. Once the girl started hearing it from a group of kids that kept chanting regardless of the numerous times they were asked to stop, it became uncomfortable. Her friends were with her, yet, no one went to get help to get the little ones to stop. Regardless of the age difference, (a kindergartener calling a fifth grader awkward), at that point we can say, we can consider that bullying. It made the fifth grader feel bad, uncomfortable and embarrassed. However, it was unintentional. The kindergartener did not know any better, but they know better now.
As kids we fail to understand that sometimes we have no control on how we dress, how we look, or how we eat. We tend to get bullied for being too short or being too tall. For being too dark or being too light. People get made fun of for being too skinny or overweight. Back in my day, people used to get bullied for being too smart! Being called a nerd was insulting. Now it looks like you get bullied if you are not that smart. You guys want to fit the Nerd profile. Did you ever stop and think that, that "overweight" person you make fun of may have a medical condition that does not allow him/her to have a healthy weight? Do you ever stop and think that, that person who dresses "out of fashion" may be having a financial situation at home? Do you ever stop and think that, that person that is extremely quiet, shy and to themselves maybe having a bad situation at home? They may be going through a parents' divorce, an abuse, or any other unknown situation. The person who may have "weird" skin may be having a medical condition that they cannot control and there may not be medicine to help their condition. Is it fair for us to punish one another because we don't understand or know each other situations?
But let's take a look at why people may bully others. If you've ever been talked about, if you've ever experienced any type of belittling, think about that person that made you feel bad. What are they lacking? What are they going through? Who is making them feel powerless or fearful? Bullies are usually the people that have very little to no self-esteem. Very little to no self-confidence so they must do something to build themselves up. To make themselves feel better than others. They may be getting bullied somewhere else and the only way they can let out is by doing it to others. Of course, there is no reason that makes bullying right.
If we all worked on loving ourselves bullying would happen less. The reason for this is because if you can truly learn to love yourself and believe in yourself what others would say to you wouldn't matter. And if you truly loved yourselves there would be no need to make others feel bad to gain pleasure for yourself.
Each day is a new start and each night be thankful for another day. Remember that no matter how bad you think your day went, there is someone else out there that would give anything for your life. Remember that no matter how difficult you think your parents are being they are there trying to do the best they can with what they have. As parents, we do remember what it was like to be a teenager however, times do change, and the more you talk to us the more we can help you and guide you. We have the best intentions to give you a better life than the one we had and you will want to do the same when you are older. But before you can give yourselves a better life you must focus in school to get the most information possible. Having fun is great, but set goals for yourselves. Visualize and imagine all the great things you would want to be and create a plan to work towards it, fun will happen along the way.
Lastly, I want to leave off by saying, smile! A smile could change the world. A smile could fill an empty heart. We all want to be accepted and loved, it's in our DNA.
Want to share your story? Facebook me or send me an email.
Georgina Rodriguez, C.Ht
Certified Hypnotherapist and mother of 2 teen girls
Path for Success Hypnosis
18607 Ventura Bl. Ste. 310
*** Do you feel like you would like to work on building your self-esteem, self-confidence, or have you, or someone you know, been affected by bullying and want to get rid of those negative feelings? Talk to your parents about how hypnotherapy can work for you. There is help.
Want to learn more on how to build up your motivation, self esteem, self confidence, self love or simply let go of the emotions brought on by a bullying experience? Set an appointment with:
Georgina Rodriguez
Certified Hypnotherapist
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