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Always Ask Questions!

Always Ask Questions!

The success principle of asking questions reminds me of the great late Socrates. He was a master at asking questions and getting others around him to also ask questions. The Athenian democratic government however, didn't like Socrates' questions. His questions were too disturbing to some of the people in power. So, some of those people in power in the government decided that Socrates would no longer be allowed to ask disruptive, rebellious, and even what they called "treasonous" questions in their town square. "He was corrupting the youth." is what they said.

The Athenian government arrested Socrates and ordered him to stop asking questions or to face death by poison. Most of us normal human beings would have succumbed and stopped asking questions, but not Socrates. He drank the hemlock... and here we are today saying that he is probably the wisest man who ever lived!

You see, Socrates believed that the unexamined life is a life that isn't worth living. Many of his elite followers, such as his star pupil Plato, and Plato's star pupil, Aristotle, and Aristotle's star pupil, Alexander the Great felt the same! Hmm... Do you see a pattern of greatness forming here among teacher, student, and questions?
You see, what Socrates was really talking about with all of his questions wasn't that complex or radical after all. His philosophy was really quite simple and something that we could all easily understand. All Socrates was really talking about was creating a road map to a successful life by first pinpointing where you really are right now, a navigation system if you would? Every one of us understands the wisdom and common sense of knowing where you stand and in which direction you need to go in next.

Now teens, and even tweens go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Don't ever let yourself,or anybody else stop you from being a leader and asking the tough questions of yourself and society. After all, you are the youth of today, aren't you? And don't the young just naturally wonder and ask questions? Come on, it's already in your nature. Kids are natural philosophers. And Plato preached that all future kings should be philosophers. Maybe some day you'll be that philosopher King! But, it you're going to lead us, you can't let society push you into silence and learned helplessness. And once again, thanks for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Educator and Life Coach Dan Blanchard wants you to continue to be curious about life and to always ask questions of yourself and others.

For more great leadership tips please visit Dan's website at: Thanks.
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