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Hitler and Racial Prejudice

Hitler pointed his angry finger at the upper echelons of the German society who were Jewish when things were going badly for Germany. He boldly accused them of selling out the German people by surrendering in WWI when many of the German people thought Germany could have fought on. However, the wise ones on the war front knew much better then the civilians back at home sitting comfortably in some Coffee-House how continuing to fight WWI wasn't worth it anymore.

Regardless of this fact that people were blinded too, soon, the racism and misled revenge was out of control and too many people were pointing fingers at the Jewish leaders as well as Jews in general. What these accusers didn't realize was that when their pointer finger is aimed dead center at someone else, three of their other fingers are also simultaneously aimed dead center back at themselves. This act in and of itself demands that we take a bigger, more comprehensive look at improving ourselves before blaming someone else. Besides, blaming someone else is disempowering and changes nothing. It is ourselves that first must get better before our circumstances will get better!

Whenever one is dealing with human nature, remember that it's always easier to point our fingers at others as the source of the problem and conveniently ignore our own faults and our other three fingers pointing directly back at ourselves. For most of us, it's just too painful to stop and take a long, hard, deep look at ourselves. Obviously, Hitler couldn't do this either, and neither could a whole generation of scared followers. Looking in the mirror was just too painful... And sadly, do you want to know what else was too painful? WWII and the Holocaust!!!

If we let racism of any form slide, then someday we may find that destructive violent vehicle of racism running us over. And guess what? There will be nobody left to help. The good news is that we can all earn shiny stars for our project called "life" by following the Golden Rule that we all learned in kindergarten; treat others as you would like them to treat you.

Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember that Hitler taught us that racial prejudice is not acceptable in any form. And once again, my shining stars, thanks for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Educator, and Certified Life-Coach Dan Blanchard wants you to always point your finger at yourself rather than others. It's the only true way to improve yourself and your world. 

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