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Guiding Children to Guard All Creatures

Guiding Children to Guard All Creatures

I have always had a healthy respect for Nature and all our fellow creatures. Some I love, others I fear, still others strike awe in me! This gift of appreciation was handed down to me by two generations of forefathers-a love of the wild and a craze for pets. I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to have shared our homes as we moved from place to place with canine companions for company. Nothing spells welcome home with greater delight and simplicity than two paws on your shoulders as you walk through the door of a new apartment in a new city.

The years have now rolled on and I find that I actively seek out ways to pass on this precious legacy and share the gift of wonderment as my kids eyes light up with joy when they realize that love and loyalty, care and comfort, fun and friendship, attachments and affection exist between us and our non human fellow creatures.

And our love is rewarded ten fold- no question about it.

Dealing and interacting with pets in a daily basis, I believe, is a good foundation for strengthening our ties as a family.. and it's not just our relationships with each other that directly benefit from this, but future interactions get positively impacted as well!

Children with pets are statistically known to be more attuned to responsibility at a young age and show signs of becoming good team players: positive, friendly, empathetic, supportive, patient and encouraging in later life.

It occurred to me that in order to better serve our planet, we don't have to talk about it to future generations. We just live out our convictions and our commitment speaks for itself. After all, that's how our children truly watch and learn, emulate and grow.
A few weeks back the news was full of animal cruelty in one form or another. Canines being bludgeoned and beaten, traumatized and eaten, can only mean that the human responsible for such atrocities (if they can still be termed as such), have not formed a friendly bond with any other creature as innocent children. That is just simply appalling.

There's only one way to beat the ignorance- education. Once the eyes of the soul are open and accept that all creatures were created equal, to be equally respected, we can all move on to what really matters: conservation of our home planet Earth.

For more tributes and salutes to nature, in pictures, articles, musings, thoughts and quotes, a trip to may be worth it :)
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