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Shout, Laugh and Play

Shout, Laugh and Play

I just finished a commitment in directing Vacation Bible School and Sunday school as a temporary position from a church I am moving on from. In every church, there are dear faithful people of God who dedicate their offerings and time, serving in the church.
These dear folks come from an era in which children were reared to "be seen and not heard". In decades past, parents were expected to bring their children to church and be active. Times have changed but these dear folks are missing an opportunity for outreach.
I've had a special passion for outreach since I was a child. It began in fifth grade when I began my singing career at a men's rescue mission and I've been doing it ever since. I began defending the under-dog in sixth grade. I began advocating for young moms and children even while struggling myself during my twenties.
My passion came on the scene full force in my thirties. I took charge in striving to make a difference as a parole officer in my forties and saw great results. Now in my fifties and a grandmother, I intend to spend the rest of my life championing for outreach to young moms and their children.
Sadly, it may not take place within the church but it will take place. God used a young girl's plight and a young man's determination to touch my heart twenty years ago. These two young people impacted my life even though I was reaching out to them. This is the joy people are missing when they judge others by being critical and hurtful. My life was never the same as God brought multiple people in my path throughout my life.
In church, I've witnessed children I brought in from the neighborhood told not to come back if they couldn't behave. The result at those churches is that they lost a dedicated volunteer because of it. I will not be a part of any place where these children are not wanted. On the flip side, I've also witnessed the greatest example of a children's director who I strive to follow her example. She is now in her seventies and still going strong.
I've only had one woman in my life who understood my passion and supported me in it. She was my pastor's wife when I was a young mom. Every day of my life, I hope she is looking down from Heaven smiling. I hope that even when I am crying or cursing, she and God remember my heart. I plan on being that encourager in another's life.
So children, you shout, laugh, run and play. Just come into God's house. He can't wait to see you.

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