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Kids and Teens ( Socrates Believed All The Knowledge We Need Is Already Within Us!)

Kids and Teens ( Socrates Believed All The Knowledge We Need Is Already Within Us!)
Socrates Believed All The Knowledge We Need Is Already Within Us!

I was recently watching Star Wars with my seven-year-old son when he turned and said, "Dad, may the force be with you!" I smiled, and replied, "May the force be with you too!" What a great father-son moment that was I thought to myself!

As I continued to watch Star Wars with my son, my mind and thoughts couldn't help but wander to deeper places in my brain when I was thinking about this force being with you. Eventually, somehow, my thoughts led me all the way back to Socrates. I thought about how Socrates strongly believed that all the knowledge we needed was already within us.

Eureka! That's it! I got it! I now know what Obi-Wan Kenobi really meant when he said to Luke Skywalker, "May the force be with you." What he really meant was that we all already have the force within us, but just don't know it. Just like Socrates, Obi-Wan Kenobi believed that we all already have the knowledge and ability to succeed within us. We just have to believe it, and then use it.

"So, if this is true, and we all already have everything we need to succeed, or this force within us, then why do so many of us fail to live up to our true potential," I wondered.

Is it laziness that keeps us from using our special Star Wars force or inner-knowledge, while we just sit back and enviously watch others succeed? Is it FEAR that causes our inaction and jealousy of others? I wonder how many of us have ever tried to minimize someone else's success, while also trying to minimize our lack of participation by saying that those winners over there were just lucky?

Hmm... l know that all humans have lazy moments. And everybody has fear, even Socrates and Luke Skywalker. However, I have been told that the real difference between achieving and not achieving is what you do next, after you're feeling that laziness or fear.

I think Socrates and Luke Skywalker would tell our youth to get up and get moving! Everything you need to succeed is already inside of you. Be brave and make your life better. In addition, also use your inner-knowledge and force to improve the quality of life of everybody you come in contact with so this world can be a better place.

Now teens, and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, everything you need is already inside of you. Don't be afraid to use your inner-knowledge or inner-force for GOOD! And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do.

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Educator- Daniel Blanchard, wants you all to know that you already have the force and the knowledge inside of yourselves to succeed. To see more teen leadership tips, please visit Dan's website, blog...
