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How TV Is Killing Our Kids

How TV Is Killing Our Kids


For the first time in modern history the youth of today will more than likely has a shorter lifespan than their parents.

Historically, viruses such as TB, polio or the measles were the cause of early death in the under 18-age group. Today, the root cause is obesity as a result of inactivity.

Watching television, even for just an hour a day, may boost the risk that young children will be overweight or obese, according to new research.

"Children who watch one to two hours of TV a day, as opposed to those who watch under one hour per day, are more likely to be overweight and obese at kindergarten and first grade," said Mark DeBoer, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Virginia and the study's lead author.
Kindergartners on average watched about three hours of TV daily.

William Muinos, MD pediatric gastroenterologist and director of the weight management program, Nicklaus Children's Hospital, Miami considers an hour a day or more of television viewing recorded by the parents of kids at unhealthy weights highly likely includes other unhealthy habits, such as an unhealthy diet and/or snacking.

Muinos went on to state "You are establishing behaviors early in life," he said.

The behaviors that we teach our children at a very young age can easily become their life long habits. As parents, we owe our kids the best possible opportunities. We should not be subjecting them to a life of potential debilitating disease states, such as obesity, diabetes and other that are a result of inactivity and poor eating habits instilled at young ages.

Take the time to spend some quality team with your kids, get out in the yard and throw a baseball around, run them through speed and agility exercises; play kickball, go for a bike ride or walk daily. Make a game out of strength and speed training by having them carry a bucket of water 50 ft and run back to the starting point. We owe them the gift of a long healthy life that is free of totally preventable disease states that result from inactivity. Meet with a Certified Fitness trainer and ask for advice on how to make exercise fun.

The last thing that any parent wants to do is harm their children. However the inactivity and using the TV as a form of free, mindless entertainment is doing just that.

Previous research has linked children's television viewing with obesity and other problems.
The study included data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey of more than 11,000 children who attending kindergarten in 2011-2012. The database included the number of hours kids watched TV, how often they used computers and records of their height and weight. A year later, most of the children were evaluated again for these same factors.

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