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There Is Nothing Greater Than Working With Kids

There Is Nothing Greater Than Working With Kids


Believe it or not I can still remember when I was young and bold, and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I wrestled in high school and was now having a blast coaching high school wrestling while in college. I knew I wanted to stay around the sport so becoming a public school teacher seemed like the next logical step to take in my life.

However, the thought of being surrounded by kids for the rest of my life made me a little nervous. Like most kids, I was always in a hurry to grow up, and wanted to conquer the adult world, so wouldn't staying around the little ones be going backwards? How would I ever accomplish my adult dreams if I was constantly surrounded by kids? In addition, would my brain turn to mush from the lack of future adult conversations? Would I end up always talking and acting like a young kid instead of a fully grown, fully matured grownup? And what about the wise guys that like to pull pranks on their teachers like I did when I was that age? Would I be able to handle those pranksters and get their respect without blowing my top and looking like some old fool? Sadly, at this pivotal junction in my life I really couldn't see too many benefits of working with our youth outside of continuing to do what I loved, which was to stay around the sport of wrestling.

Well, here I am twenty years later as a schoolteacher and father of five who no longer coaches wrestling, and I honestly can't think of one negative thing that has come from working with this generation's youth. Sure they frustrate me occasionally, but they're also challenging me to grow as an adult in the midst and chaos of those daily frustrations. Each day is an opportunity to build up both them and myself. Someday these little ones running around here will be running our country. I hope we have spent enough time and energy on them to help them get it right when it's their turn.

Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Don't be afraid to take a path that will place you in a role of helping our youth, for there truly is nothing greater than working with our youth. And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Educator, Parenting Expert and Certified Life-Coach Dan Blanchard wants you to consider working with our youth to help better prepare them for tomorrow.

The secret here is that teaching others, teaches you... For more great tips be sure to check out Dan's website at: Thanks.
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