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The Evidence for the Benefits of Active, Outdoor Play for Children

The Evidence for the Benefits of Active, Outdoor Play for Children


According to pediatric occupational therapist Angela Hanscom, schools are feeling pressure to limit free play to comply with growing demands for academic readiness that is expected by the time kids enter kindergarten. According to experts, this may be leading to an increase in social and sensory issues.
"If children were given ample opportunities to play outdoors every day with peers, there would be no need for specialized exercises or meditation techniques for the youngest of our society. They would simply develop these skills through play. That's it."

Hanscom says parents have an obsession with wanting to give her children an edge before they even enter formal schooling. Academic success becomes the focus, even at the expense of social development which can result in trouble controlling emotions, anxiety and sensory issues, and trouble with solitary play. Consequently, even when children test above average in regards to academic skills, they may be missing out on important life skills and basic social skills like sharing and taking turns.

"Let the adult-directed learning experiences come later. Preschool children need to play!"
One 5th grade teacher, Robbi Giuliano, took a drastic step - eliminating traditional desk chairs completely - in order to improve focus and behavior in his class.

Instead, the kids sit on yoga balls. Why? The sitters work to stay balanced, the balls force students to use muscles and increase blood flow, making them more alert. The only rules: kids must always keep their bottoms on the balls and feet on the floor (they can bounce and bob to their heart's content).
"[Sitting on the balls] made students... better able to focus on lessons while improving their balance and core strength."

According to John Kilbourne, professor at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, there is evidence that linking activity with education helps kids learn better. Methods from yoga balls to footrests to standing desks allow children to be active while learning, without disrupting the class.

"It's the future of education," - John Kilbourne, Grand Valley State University.

And according to Giuliano, it's working - one more piece of evidence in the case that keeping active really does help kids learn. Many teachers like Giuliano and pediatric occupational therapists like Angela Hanscom seem to agree that a lack of this type of active play does seem to stunt development in critical ways - without it, kids are missing out on learning important life skills and basic social skills - and it's important for all ages.
The bottom line: what children need most is rapid vestibular (balance) input on a daily basis. In layman's terms, this means: go upside down, spin in circles, and roll down hills. The activity does more than help them exercise, stay in shape, and learn to lead active lives; it also helps their brain development and encourages them to learn. You don't have to be a teacher or pediatric occupational therapist to see the immediate benefits. has compiled top 10 lists for toys that encourage children of all ages to take advantage of the benefits of active play. See SmartToys recommendations for active toys here.

They need to play. Even if it's snowy for the holidays where you live, it's possible to find options for active play that can be used indoors or out.
See SmartToys recommendations for active toys here:
Suggestions for:
~ Ages 0-3 ~ Ages 3-6 ~ Ages 6 and up ~
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