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Winners Endure It All And Still Do More!

Winners Endure It All And Still Do More!

The world favors those who persevere and act in bold ways. Winners know and live this universal law of success. Winners consistently find ways to show bravery by enduring fear, pain, discomfort, and uncertainty, and then somehow manage to do more. Winners use hardship as reasons to succeed rather than reasons to give up.

I can remember a time when I was out in public and I saw a young girl and her mother in great distress. I could see that this young girl's unfortunate stroke of bad luck was tearing this girl and her mother apart. But somehow in the midst of this ferocious storm the girl's mother's wisdom prevailed as she calmly and gently told her daughter that all she had to do was to just make one small move in the right direction, and eventually everything will somehow work itself out. 
 That's it! Just one small move in the right direction is almost always the answer to our most daunting problems. It almost seems to simple to be true, but I am sure that we have all heard the old maxim of a thousand mile journey begins with a single step, right?

Remember, motion creates emotion! So let's move our body in some tiny way toward something that is better than the present and we'll find the emotional energy in that first step to continue. And then one day we'll be absolutely amazed and lost in wonderment at the exciting journey that we almost did not take.

Furthermore, we'll be extremely proud when we look in the mirror and see the type of person we have become. We'll finally feel lucky and forget about whatever problems we used to have.
 In addition, we'll be confident in knowing that from now on we'll be able to handle whatever curve balls life throws at us by refusing to be paralyzed and stepping out of our comfort zone to something better.

It won't be easy though! It never is easy because our Creator is more concerned about our character than our comfort. Remember, the biggest and best trees have endured the strongest winds. So let's let life's fires mold us into that best woman or man of steel possible. 
Let's let life turn us into that superhero that we're supposed to be.

Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, winners have the courage to endure fear, pain, and uncertainty, and still do more. And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Educator Dan Blanchard wants you to just take that first step when things get hard and then you'll see how much better life gets.

 For more great leadership tips please visit Dan's
website: Thanks.

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