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You Don't Have to Start Off As An Expert!

If we all waited until we were experts at walking before we attempted to walk we would probably still be crawling like babies. Consequently, if we all still crawled like babies we would most likely have been unable to stand up and above it all like we did as a species when humankind decided to walk upright. Furthermore, if we never walked upright as a species, we would have never been unable to see clearly to the horizons of our human potential.

In addition, if we stayed on all fours as a species we would have had less of a need to develop the opposable thumbs on our hands that have allowed us to manipulate objects, build tools, and eventually usher in the technology age that we all live in today, and enjoy so much. That would have been a bad decision, huh?

Now aren't you glad that our ancestors didn't wait until they were experts to try to walk? Aren't you glad that our early ancestors didn't listen to the naysayers who said walking upright on two legs couldn't be done, and if it was possible than it would only result in eventual back pain? Aren't you glad that our early ancestors deflected the arrows of insults and the stings of criticisms, the clouds of doom, and kept trying even after falling and failing for many, many years?

Aren't you glad that you didn't give up as a baby after your first few failed attempts at standing upright? You see, that's how us humans operate. First we crawl, then we walk, and then we run... And at no point do we have to be an expert in order to just start...

So go ahead, stand tall, and take a chance. Be brave! Take on that new challenge and you may just find a new and improved version of yourself.

Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us. Remember, you don't have to start off as an expert. All you need to do is to have the insight and guts to stand upright and start. Then, after learning to dream again, and defeating inertia, consistently apply Kaizen, the Japanese system of never-ending improvements, to everything you do for the rest of your life. If you do this, you won't be able to do anything else but succeed. And finally, once again, thanks for all that you do, and all that you will do...

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and educator Dan Blanchard wants you to just start. Don't be afraid. You don't have to be perfect. So, go ahead and just start.

For more great tips on leadership please visit Dan's website at: Thanks.
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